What is a mental health problem?
Mental health problems cover a wide range of issues - including stress, anxiety depression and substance abuse - that affect someone’s ability to get on with their daily life. The most common mental disorder in Britain is mixed anxiety and depression, with almost 9% of people meeting the criteria for diagnosis*.
*Office for National Statistics Psychiatric Morbidity report (2001)
Why mental health problems affect us all
Early intervention can help slow down or stop a mental health problem and lead to faster recovery. However most of us know little about mental health.
We often don’t spot the signs that someone else - or ourselves - is struggling until very late. An MHFA course will teach you to recognise the early signs of a mental health problem, and give you the confidence and knowledge to help.
The financial cost of mental health problems is huge:
The overall cost of mental health problems in England stands at £105.2 billion a year, (taking into account care costs, sickness absence and unemployment).*
Stress, anxiety and depression are responsible for 70 million days sick leave every year.*
In 2003 research by the Sainsbury’s Centre for Mental Health showed that staff with mental illness not being supported cost UK businesses a total of £26bn per year – equivalent to £1,035 for every employee in the UK workforce.
For 2009/10 updated figures estimate that the cost to UK businesses is now £30.3 billion a year – equivalent to £1206 per employee.
* The Centre for Mental Health (2010)
What will I learn on an MHFA course?
An MHFA course will teach you to:
Spot the early signs of a mental health problem
Feel confident helping someone experiencing a problem
Provide help on a first aid basis
Help prevent someone from hurting themselves or others
Help stop a mental illness from getting worse
Help someone recover faster
Guide someone towards the right support
Reduce the stigma of mental health problems.
MHFA training is an intensive course, delivered over 2 days, aimed at those without specialist mental health training.
"I have a much better understanding of how other people may be feeling."
"Given me confidence and more empathy towards mental health issues."
"In 13 years as a police officer I didn’t learn as much as I did in the last 2 days."
Depression affects real people in all walks of life and ethnic groups. Women may feel sad
while men may feel empty. Chances are that everyone knows someone who is experiencing
this. How can one know if a person is depressed? What are the symptoms? People who
suffer from depression and recognize the symptoms often receive medical treatment or
psychotherapy. Can more be done? What about treatment-resistant depressed individuals?
What about natural remedies? Some answers will be presented by introducing you to Dr. Nedley’s approach to treatment and therapy. His programme reveals the keys to achieving peace of mind and restoring energy, joy and satisfaction to the lives of depressed people. You will receive guidelines in discerning the symptoms and causes of depression and the positive effects of lifestyle modification.
WE OFFER: Depression Recovery Programmes.
Every Sunday from 5th June to 23rd July
From 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm (UK)
You can take the free Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) on https://www.nedleyhealth.com/